An eye into the future

An eye into the future

Another year has passed by. In September 2020, Systemhaus will accomplish its 32nd Anniversary, celebrating a trajectory of dedication, effort, evolution and professionalism. When we look back, we feel proud of what we have built through the knowledge and collaboration of those who have already worked with us or still do. Antara, which is the most complete managing system for tanneries, was created and redesigned many times to attend demands of Tanneries from all around the world. We saw customers growing, we saw business thrive and we cheer at any new achievement!

We do not keep it as a secret how we got here. Listening close to each customer and deeply knowing the peculiarities from their businesses was essential for us in order to be side by side with all of them with solutions that make processes faster, information more precise and managing decisions more qualified. Our commitment has never been simply develop and implement a system. We have always felt responsible for tanneries’ success we have as customers and for their integral development. We intend to bring technology and people closer in order to achieve better results. Right now, we feel pleased to see SystemHaus and Antara being recommended in the leather business whenever efficient production and management are needed.

In times like this in 2020, we have made each employee’s home a small piece of SystemHaus. Looking to keep people safe and healthy, we have been working from home since March. Courage, motivation and integration were needed. Technology, methodology, flexibility and innovation too. We have reinvented ourselves, adapted and created new processes wiling to attend our customer needs. It was a real change that made us feel tougher, even closer to each other and better on our personal, professional and corporate sphere as a company.

It is this audacious, responsible, technological and human way that makes us different and made these 32 years of SystemHaus a history full of professional achievements and strong relationships based on trust. We thank all customers, employees and people who have made us what we are today.

We are proud of our history, but we have all eyes on the present, so that our future will be even fuller of successful stories to share.

ACLE India TANNING TECH Chennai FAIR SystemHaus software for tannery #systemhaus Tanneries APLF ALL CHINA LEATHER EXHIBITION SYSTEM FOR TANNERIES Business Intelligence Award Fairs #antara ERP System for Tannery Industry 3.0 Brazil

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0,02ms - Debug é instanciado.
0,03ms - Classe 'Erro' é instanciada.
0,04ms - Definindo configurações do aplicativo.
0,08ms - Classe 'Carregar' é instanciada.
0,11ms - Instanciada as constantes.
0,17ms - Classe 'Config' é instanciada.
0,23ms - Classe 'Arquivo' é instanciada.
0,24ms - Classe 'Criptografia' é instanciada.
0,25ms - Classe 'Entrada' é instanciada.
0,29ms - Classe 'DB' é instanciada.
0,32ms - Classe 'Mysql' é instanciada.
0,34ms - Iniciando carregamento do aplicativo.
0,38ms - Classe 'Rota' é instanciada.
0,75ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/aceitar" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::aceitar"
0,75ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/quadro" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::quadro"
0,76ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/quadrodetalhado" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::quadroDetalhado"
0,76ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/privacidade" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::pagina"
0,84ms - Classe 'Controle' é instanciada.
0,87ms - Classe 'Seo' é instanciada.
1,11ms - 2,44ms = [Tempo: 1,33ms] - Conexão com o banco 'localhost:sist8023_systemhaus'.
0,85ms - 4,43ms = [Tempo: 3,58ms] - Tempo para incluir o arquivo _Comum.php.
4,46ms - Classe 'BlogControle' é instanciada.
9,78ms - 14,67ms = [Tempo: 4,89ms] - Renderizando a página 'site/visual/html/modeloPadrao.php'.
4,46ms - 14,68ms = [Tempo: 10,22ms] - Metodo 'BlogControle::interna()' é executado.
14,68ms - Debug::mostrarDebug();


2,45ms - 2,91ms = [Tempo: 0,46ms] - SELECT id FROM site_idioma WHERE 1=1 AND sigla = 'en'
2,94ms - 3,92ms = [Tempo: 0,99ms] - SELECT ttexto.identificador,tidioma.texto FROM site_textoestatico ttexto INNER JOIN site_textoestatico_idioma tidioma ON ( WHERE tidioma.id_idioma=02
4,04ms - 4,38ms = [Tempo: 0,33ms] - SELECT * FROM site_configuracao WHERE id_idioma = 02
4,61ms - 5,12ms = [Tempo: 0,50ms] - SELECT tidioma.* FROM site_seo tseo INNER JOIN site_seo_idioma tidioma ON ( WHERE tseo.pagina = 'blog' AND tidioma.id_idioma = 02
5,35ms - 5,91ms = [Tempo: 0,56ms] - SELECT COUNT(1) AS total FROM site_blogpost blog INNER JOIN site_blogcategoria categoria ON WHERE blog.ativo=1 AND DATE( <= NOW() AND blog.id_idioma = 02 AND categoria.ativo=01 ORDER BY data DESC
5,93ms - 6,29ms = [Tempo: 0,36ms] - SELECT, blog.titulo,blog.descricao,, blog.datadescritiva, blog.id_blogcategoria FROM site_blogpost blog INNER JOIN site_blogcategoria categoria ON WHERE blog.ativo=1 AND DATE( <= NOW() AND blog.id_idioma = 02 AND categoria.ativo=01 ORDER BY data DESC LIMIT 0,4
6,57ms - 6,88ms = [Tempo: 0,30ms] - UPDATE site_blogpost SET acesso = acesso+1 WHERE id = 048
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8,58ms - 8,90ms = [Tempo: 0,32ms] - SELECT COUNT(1) AS total FROM site_blogpost blog INNER JOIN site_blogcategoria categoria ON WHERE blog.ativo=1 AND DATE( <= NOW() AND blog.id_idioma = 02 AND blog.id_blogcategoria=016 AND NOT IN (48) AND categoria.ativo=01 ORDER BY RAND()
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11,96ms - 12,12ms = [Tempo: 0,15ms] - SELECT id,sigla,nome FROM site_idioma WHERE 1=1 AND ativo = 1 ORDER BY ordem ASC,nome ASC
12,16ms - 12,82ms = [Tempo: 0,66ms] - SELECT,tendidioma.nome,tendidioma.descricao FROM site_endereco tendereco INNER JOIN site_endereco_idioma tendidioma ON ( WHERE tendereco.ativo = 1 AND tendidioma.id_idioma = 02 AND (tendidioma.nome IS NULL OR tendidioma.nome <> '') AND (tendidioma.descricao IS NULL OR tendidioma.descricao <> '') ORDER BY tendereco.ordem ASC,tendidioma.nome ASC
12,98ms - 13,20ms = [Tempo: 0,23ms] - SELECT id FROM site_imagem WHERE id_idioma = 02
14,05ms - 14,35ms = [Tempo: 0,30ms] - SELECT nome FROM lgpd_conteudo WHERE id_idioma = 2