SystemHaus | We are specialists in the leather market

We go deep into every customer`s business.

We deeply understand the needs of managers and operators of tanneries of various sizes around the world. We have the latest technologies and we know how to make them friendly and useful.

We propose innovative solutions that transform your way of analyzing information and predict results. We are responsible, we understand the people and we respect your business. We build with you a solid bridge between your company and extraordinary results.

We are strength and sensitivity.
We are mobilization and transformation.
We are SystemHaus.



  • 1988

    We started activities in September 1988


Consolidation of Systemhaus` strategy to become a supplier of Tannery Systems

  • First 12 customers in southern Brazil


Maturity and Expansion of activities

  • We started to serve Tanneries from other regions of Brazil


Preparation for Internationalization

  • 10 years of activities with 23 customers using Antara system

    Beginning of commercial actions in the foreign market: Mexico


Technological Advances and Internationalization

  • 2003

    First customer in Mexico

     Java, currently a very well-known technology around the world, started to be used in the development of Antara

  • 2004

    First customer in Europe

  • 2005

     First customer in China

  • 2006

    Opening of Systemhaus Europe GmbH (European office)

  • 2007

    Major project at a Global level: Implementation of Antara in plants from Netherlands, Indonesia, Thailand and China


Technological Advances and Internationalization

  • 2009

    Prospection intensifies in some countries: Italy, France, India, Turkey, Argentina, Germany and China

    Customer in France. In 2010, customer in Argentina and India

  • 2010

    Office opening in Shanghai, China

  • 2012

     New customers in Brazil and Mexico
     Research project with Unisinos University with the goal of improving the methodology to implement ANTARA System

  • 2013

     Investment in mobile applications to bring agility to the industry.


Years of Intense Growth

  • 2014

    Customers in Uruguay and Argentina

  • 2015

    First project at 2 tannery plants which are 100% Chinese 

  • 2016

    Second customer in Spain

     First customer in Thailand

  • 2017

     12 new projects in Brazil

    New projects in Mexico


30 years of experience in the leather market

  • 2018

     Systemhaus is revitalized to celebrate its 30 years of experience in the leather market. New colors and new formats make the brand stronger on the market.

     New customers in Portugal and Chile

  • 2019

    New customer in Ecuador, Brazil and Mexico

    BI of Antara: agility in decision making by managers

    Development of Antara, using technologies applied to Industry 4.0

    Office opening in Germany

    2 new customers in Spain


SystemHaus begins to turn Industry 4.0 into reality in tanneries

  • New customer in Mexico and Spain

    First customer in Pakistan

     Office opened in India

    Internal Projects of great impact regarding the future of Systemhaus: - Internal Communication and Organizational Reproject (preparing the company for new and challenging objectives)


An eye into the future

  • 2 projects in Europe 

    New customer in Chile

    New projects in Brazil

    Implementation of Research, Development & Innovation program

    Internalization of English language in the work routine of the whole team and sectors from SystemHaus

Our customers

Great results are built with collaboration, trust, and hard work. ANTARA has become fundamental in the management of small and large businesses. Many tanneries around the world have believed in the innovation, in the technology and have opened their doors to SystemHaus. Here you can find out an essential part of our business: OUR CUSTOMERS.








Select an area

Get to know the 32 years of history of SystemHaus and Antara | Because the world never stops


Develop and implement computerized solutions for the operational and strategic management of tanneries, technologically updated and adapted to the needs of customers of any size.


To be recognized as a world reference and the main supplier of integrated solutions for the management of tanneries, differentiating itself by the close and responsible attendance.


  • Serve with empathy and excellence

    We are close and sensitive to the needs of companies and people. We are accessible and we seek to competently solve all the demands of internal and external customers.

  • Commit to customer business

    We understand our customers business in depth and we make all the efforts to solve in an innovative and surprising way the challenge of each project.

  • Focus on sustainable results

    We are committed to the sustainability of our business. We seek operational efficiency to achieve results that guarantee the longevity of the company and the best return to employees.

  • Being professional

    We act with responsibility and organization, honoring our values and applying our methodology to deliver the best technical solution and the best service for each client.

  • Being transparent and ethical in relationships

    Our relationship with colleagues, clients and suppliers is based on trust, respect and honesty between the parts. We speak the truth and work hard.

  • Work as a team and grow as a group

    We unite our talents and collaborate with each other, concentrating efforts to achieve common goals. We believe that sharing our experiences are the best way to build the SystemHaus way of serving customers and growing as a group.

SystemHaus is...

  • Technological


    We are dynamic and connected with the most current and innovative world technologies in systems. We have specific and advanced knowledge.
    We research trends all the time and so we are ready to offer the best and most efficient solutions for your tannery.
  • Human


    We know that companies are made up of people who think and feel, We stand by you to support your professional growth and make you and your business succeed.
  • Inspiring


    We know that is possible to project and achieve bold goals. That is why we stimulate reflections and provoke new attitudes. We believe that motivated people adopt new technologies and promote great transformations.
  • Accessible


    We exist to make your life easier and to make your business more agile and successful. We enter "the game" to make it work. We simplify your processes and speak your language: the language of leather.


ANTARA is a complete tannery system


0,03ms - Debug é instanciado.
0,05ms - Classe 'Erro' é instanciada.
0,05ms - Definindo configurações do aplicativo.
0,13ms - Classe 'Carregar' é instanciada.
0,19ms - Instanciada as constantes.
0,29ms - Classe 'Config' é instanciada.
0,40ms - Classe 'Arquivo' é instanciada.
0,42ms - Classe 'Criptografia' é instanciada.
0,43ms - Classe 'Entrada' é instanciada.
0,50ms - Classe 'DB' é instanciada.
0,54ms - Classe 'Mysql' é instanciada.
0,57ms - Iniciando carregamento do aplicativo.
0,61ms - Classe 'Rota' é instanciada.
1,10ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/aceitar" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::aceitar"
1,10ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/quadro" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::quadro"
1,11ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/quadrodetalhado" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::quadroDetalhado"
1,11ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/privacidade" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::pagina"
1,19ms - Classe 'Controle' é instanciada.
1,22ms - Classe 'Seo' é instanciada.
1,50ms - 3,00ms = [Tempo: 1,49ms] - Conexão com o banco 'localhost:sist8023_systemhaus'.
1,20ms - 5,19ms = [Tempo: 3,99ms] - Tempo para incluir o arquivo _Comum.php.
7,26ms - Classe 'SobreControle' é instanciada.
44,57ms - 55,60ms = [Tempo: 11,03ms] - Renderizando a página 'site/visual/html/modeloPadrao.php'.
7,27ms - 55,62ms = [Tempo: 48,35ms] - Metodo 'SobreControle::sobre()' é executado.
55,64ms - Debug::mostrarDebug();


3,01ms - 3,60ms = [Tempo: 0,59ms] - SELECT id FROM site_idioma WHERE 1=1 AND sigla = 'en'
3,65ms - 4,51ms = [Tempo: 0,86ms] - SELECT ttexto.identificador,tidioma.texto FROM site_textoestatico ttexto INNER JOIN site_textoestatico_idioma tidioma ON ( WHERE tidioma.id_idioma=02
4,66ms - 5,09ms = [Tempo: 0,43ms] - SELECT * FROM site_configuracao WHERE id_idioma = 02
9,91ms - 12,48ms = [Tempo: 2,57ms] - SELECT * FROM site_system WHERE id_idioma = 02
12,51ms - 18,66ms = [Tempo: 6,15ms] - SELECT ttamanho.id_imagem,ttamanho.tamanho,ttamanho.arquivo FROM global_imagem timagem INNER JOIN global_imagemtamanho ttamanho ON ( WHERE timagem.identificacao = 'site_system' AND timagem.id_registro = 02 AND timagem.ativo=1 ORDER BY timagem.ordem ASC
18,69ms - 23,55ms = [Tempo: 4,86ms] - SELECT tlinhatempoitem.id_linhatempo, tlinhatempo.titulo, tlinhatempo.anoinicial, tlinhatempo.anofinal, AS id_linhatempoitem, tlinhatempoitem.ano, tlinhatempoitem.texto FROM site_linhatempo tlinhatempo INNER JOIN site_linhatempoitem tlinhatempoitem ON ( WHERE tlinhatempo.id_idioma = 02 AND tlinhatempoitem.ativo=1 ORDER BY tlinhatempo.anoinicial ASC, tlinhatempo.anofinal ASC, tlinhatempoitem.ano ASC, tlinhatempoitem.ordem ASC
26,37ms - 28,05ms = [Tempo: 1,68ms] - SELECT id,nome,texto FROM site_systemvalor WHERE id_system = 02 AND ativo=1 ORDER BY ordem ASC
30,62ms - 32,36ms = [Tempo: 1,74ms] - SELECT id,nome,descricao FROM site_systeme WHERE id_system = 02 AND ativo=1 ORDER BY ordem ASC
33,57ms - 35,14ms = [Tempo: 1,57ms] - SELECT id,nome,valor FROM site_systemcontagem WHERE id_system = 02 AND ativo=1 ORDER BY ordem ASC
36,77ms - 42,64ms = [Tempo: 5,88ms] - SELECT tpaisidioma.id_pais AS id,tpaisidioma.nome FROM site_pais_idioma tpaisidioma WHERE tpaisidioma.id_idioma = 02 AND tpaisidioma.id_pais IN (SELECT DISTINCT id_pais FROM site_cliente WHERE ativo = 1) ORDER BY tpaisidioma.nome ASC
42,72ms - 44,51ms = [Tempo: 1,79ms] - SELECT tidioma.* FROM site_seo tseo INNER JOIN site_seo_idioma tidioma ON ( WHERE tseo.pagina = 'quemsomos' AND tidioma.id_idioma = 02
44,78ms - 45,73ms = [Tempo: 0,95ms] - SELECT * FROM site_menu WHERE ativo = 1 AND id_idioma = 02 ORDER BY id_menu ASC,ordem ASC
46,78ms - 48,09ms = [Tempo: 1,31ms] - SELECT * FROM site_menu WHERE ativo = 1 AND id_idioma = 02 AND link LIKE 'antara/%' ORDER BY id_menu ASC,ordem ASC
48,15ms - 48,57ms = [Tempo: 0,42ms] - SELECT id,sigla,nome FROM site_idioma WHERE 1=1 AND ativo = 1 ORDER BY ordem ASC,nome ASC
48,63ms - 49,96ms = [Tempo: 1,33ms] - SELECT,tendidioma.nome,tendidioma.descricao FROM site_endereco tendereco INNER JOIN site_endereco_idioma tendidioma ON ( WHERE tendereco.ativo = 1 AND tendidioma.id_idioma = 02 AND (tendidioma.nome IS NULL OR tendidioma.nome <> '') AND (tendidioma.descricao IS NULL OR tendidioma.descricao <> '') ORDER BY tendereco.ordem ASC,tendidioma.nome ASC
50,55ms - 50,97ms = [Tempo: 0,42ms] - SELECT id FROM site_imagem WHERE id_idioma = 02
54,39ms - 54,89ms = [Tempo: 0,50ms] - SELECT nome FROM lgpd_conteudo WHERE id_idioma = 2