What are the best-known certifications for tanneries?

What are the best-known certifications for tanneries?

In the last decades, the tripod formed by economic, social and environmental needs, have had the same importance to everyone involved in the process (society and companies) in the search for sustainable economic growth (Silveira, 2006). Thus, the costs of a company which pollutes the air, soil or water, turn into negative externalities for itself and for the society. Positive externalities on the other hand, are presented as a form of benefit for the company, as long as these externalities can be recognized this way by the government, society and companies around them.

When we talk about the leather industry and the products it generates, such as, comfortable shoes, accessories, furniture and cars, the sustainable practices related to the production of this material, bet on certifications that attest to the adoption of care. Such as reuse of waste, animal welfare and reduction of water and energy consumption, which benefit society as a whole. And what are well known certifications in Brazil and in the world?

CSCB (Sustainability Certification for Brazilian Leather): created in 2015, with support from the CICB (Center for Tanning Industries in Brazil), this Brazilian certification has as its concept the tripod of sustainability dealing with economic, environmental and social terms, which result in the end consumer having the real notion of the sustainable production process that the industry has been going through.

LWG (Leather Working Group): created in 2005, in the United Kingdom, is composed of companies from more than 50 countries and it can be said that it is currently better known for this industrial chain. The objective of this certification is to develop and maintain a protocol that evaluates the environmental compliance and performance capabilities of tanners and leather producers. It also promotes environmentally sustainable and appropriate business practices within the leather industry. LWG inspects issues such as: control of the emission of gases from factories, the guarantee or not of companies as to the origin of the animals purchased for the production of leather (traceability), carrying out the disposal of chemical products used in the factory, among other criteria.

It is worth mentioning that some countries have their own certifications, as well as the CSCB in Brazil and the ICEC (Italian Institute of Quality Certification for the Leather Industry) in Italy. There are also certifications through ISO (International Organization for Standardization) used by companies around the world with the aim of standardizing and consequently organizing processes.

Certifications are seen as competitive advantages, as they guarantee the end consumer credibility in relation to the product. In addition, major brands only accept products that are properly certified, creating a chain of standardization between companies and guaranteeing the quality of the final product.

*Text prepared by SystemHaus Team.


SILVEIRA, Stefano José Caetano da. Externalidades Negativas: as abordagens neoclássicas e institucionalistas. Rev. FAE, Curitiba, v.9, n.2, p.39-49, jul./dez. 2006.

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0,02ms - Debug é instanciado.
0,04ms - Classe 'Erro' é instanciada.
0,05ms - Definindo configurações do aplicativo.
0,10ms - Classe 'Carregar' é instanciada.
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0,24ms - Classe 'Config' é instanciada.
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0,36ms - Classe 'Criptografia' é instanciada.
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0,42ms - Classe 'DB' é instanciada.
0,48ms - Classe 'Mysql' é instanciada.
0,51ms - Iniciando carregamento do aplicativo.
0,56ms - Classe 'Rota' é instanciada.
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6,49ms - Classe 'BlogControle' é instanciada.
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6,49ms - 19,67ms = [Tempo: 13,18ms] - Metodo 'BlogControle::interna()' é executado.
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