Industry 4.0 and data analysis
Industry 4.0 and data analysis

One of the pillars of industry 4.0 is cyber-physical systems, and one of the main functions of this type of system is to transform data from the physi...

What are the best-known certifications for tanneries?
What are the best-known certifications for tanneries?

In the last decades, the tripod formed by economic, social and environmental needs, have had the same importance to everyone involved in the process (...

What is the difference between Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0?
What is the difference between Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0?

In recent years, the concept of Industry 4.0 has become popular both in industry and in scientific research, in order to promote high technological de...

18 years of Systemhaus Mexico
18 years of Systemhaus Mexico

What were you doing today, 18 years ago?Usually when someone asks us this question, we hesitate until we remember where we were, what we were doing an...

GDPR: get ready for this new law
GDPR: get ready for this new law

We are inserted in a context in which updating and computerization are constant, in addition to the increasingly frequent circulation of data on diffe...

Technological Trends for 2021
Technological Trends for 2021

The fourth industrial revolution is promoting several technological trends and one of them is Hyper-Automation. According to Gartner (2021), Hyperauto...

We are still looking at the future

In the corporate environment, a company`s ability to think and perform its activities in a different way - with greater efficiency, less cost, more agil...

SystemHaus present in fairs of the sector
SystemHaus present in fairs of the sector

2021 started a few days ago and SystemHaus is already preparing itself for two important fairs in the leather sector, which will take place in January...

SystemHaus - Chennai Branch New Office
SystemHaus - Chennai Branch New Office

Developing projects in India for more than 8 years, in November, 2020,  “SystemHaus - Chennai Branch Office” was opened.  This new office is pa...

An eye into the future
An eye into the future

Another year has passed by. In September 2020, Systemhaus will accomplish its 32nd Anniversary, celebrating a trajectory of dedication, effort, evolut...

With the word our first international customer: LEFARC tannery
With the word our first international customer: LEFARC tannery

During Fimec fair in Brazil 2020, we received in our headquarters a visit of Mr. Luis Ernesto Collazo, CEO of our first international customer, LEFARC...

SystemHaus establishes alliance with University
SystemHaus establishes alliance with University

In December 2019, SystemHaus partnered with an important university, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and installed a unit in its tech...



0,03ms - Debug é instanciado.
0,05ms - Classe 'Erro' é instanciada.
0,06ms - Definindo configurações do aplicativo.
0,11ms - Classe 'Carregar' é instanciada.
0,17ms - Instanciada as constantes.
0,26ms - Classe 'Config' é instanciada.
0,35ms - Classe 'Arquivo' é instanciada.
0,37ms - Classe 'Criptografia' é instanciada.
0,39ms - Classe 'Entrada' é instanciada.
0,43ms - Classe 'DB' é instanciada.
0,48ms - Classe 'Mysql' é instanciada.
0,51ms - Iniciando carregamento do aplicativo.
0,56ms - Classe 'Rota' é instanciada.
1,16ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/aceitar" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::aceitar"
1,17ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/quadro" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::quadro"
1,18ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/quadrodetalhado" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::quadroDetalhado"
1,18ms - Rota "/:sigla/lgpd/privacidade" sendo sobrescrita para o método "LgpdControle::pagina"
1,30ms - Classe 'Controle' é instanciada.
1,34ms - Classe 'Seo' é instanciada.
1,67ms - 5,20ms = [Tempo: 3,53ms] - Conexão com o banco 'localhost:sist8023_systemhaus'.
1,31ms - 8,29ms = [Tempo: 6,98ms] - Tempo para incluir o arquivo _Comum.php.
8,33ms - Classe 'BlogControle' é instanciada.
14,31ms - 23,90ms = [Tempo: 9,59ms] - Renderizando a página 'site/visual/html/modeloPadrao.php'.
8,33ms - 23,91ms = [Tempo: 15,58ms] - Metodo 'BlogControle::blog()' é executado.
23,92ms - Debug::mostrarDebug();


5,23ms - 6,16ms = [Tempo: 0,94ms] - SELECT id FROM site_idioma WHERE 1=1 AND sigla = 'en'
6,23ms - 7,46ms = [Tempo: 1,24ms] - SELECT ttexto.identificador,tidioma.texto FROM site_textoestatico ttexto INNER JOIN site_textoestatico_idioma tidioma ON ( WHERE tidioma.id_idioma=02
7,64ms - 8,21ms = [Tempo: 0,57ms] - SELECT * FROM site_configuracao WHERE id_idioma = 02
8,56ms - 9,28ms = [Tempo: 0,73ms] - SELECT tidioma.* FROM site_seo tseo INNER JOIN site_seo_idioma tidioma ON ( WHERE tseo.pagina = 'blog' AND tidioma.id_idioma = 02
9,61ms - 11,60ms = [Tempo: 1,99ms] - SELECT COUNT(1) AS total FROM site_blogpost blog INNER JOIN site_blogcategoria categoria ON WHERE blog.ativo=1 AND DATE( <= NOW() AND blog.id_idioma = 02 AND IN (SELECT tag.id_blogpost FROM site_blogposttag tag WHERE tag.id_idioma = 02 AND tag.tagformatada = 'antara') AND categoria.ativo=01 ORDER BY DESC
11,67ms - 12,71ms = [Tempo: 1,04ms] - SELECT, blog.titulo,blog.descricao,, blog.datadescritiva, blog.id_blogcategoria FROM site_blogpost blog INNER JOIN site_blogcategoria categoria ON WHERE blog.ativo=1 AND DATE( <= NOW() AND blog.id_idioma = 02 AND IN (SELECT tag.id_blogpost FROM site_blogposttag tag WHERE tag.id_idioma = 02 AND tag.tagformatada = 'antara') AND categoria.ativo=01 ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,12
13,54ms - 14,01ms = [Tempo: 0,47ms] - SELECT id, nome FROM site_blogcategoria WHERE ativo = 1 AND id_idioma = 02 ORDER BY nome ASC
14,53ms - 15,69ms = [Tempo: 1,16ms] - SELECT * FROM site_menu WHERE ativo = 1 AND id_idioma = 02 ORDER BY id_menu ASC,ordem ASC
17,36ms - 17,69ms = [Tempo: 0,33ms] - SELECT * FROM site_menu WHERE ativo = 1 AND id_idioma = 02 AND link LIKE 'antara/%' ORDER BY id_menu ASC,ordem ASC
17,74ms - 18,12ms = [Tempo: 0,39ms] - SELECT id,sigla,nome FROM site_idioma WHERE 1=1 AND ativo = 1 ORDER BY ordem ASC,nome ASC
18,16ms - 20,52ms = [Tempo: 2,36ms] - SELECT,tendidioma.nome,tendidioma.descricao FROM site_endereco tendereco INNER JOIN site_endereco_idioma tendidioma ON ( WHERE tendereco.ativo = 1 AND tendidioma.id_idioma = 02 AND (tendidioma.nome IS NULL OR tendidioma.nome <> '') AND (tendidioma.descricao IS NULL OR tendidioma.descricao <> '') ORDER BY tendereco.ordem ASC,tendidioma.nome ASC
20,74ms - 21,64ms = [Tempo: 0,90ms] - SELECT id FROM site_imagem WHERE id_idioma = 02
22,83ms - 23,49ms = [Tempo: 0,66ms] - SELECT nome FROM lgpd_conteudo WHERE id_idioma = 2